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Secrets To Connect/Using Homeopathy In Your Family/The Boy on the Plane-Dealing with Incontinence in Children

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

The Boy on the Plane-Dealing with Incontinence in Children

I love to travel. But with skyrocketing prices I generally go for the cheap airlines. That's how I ended up on a midde-of-the-night flight next to a 5 year old who wet his pants in his sleep. What happened next broke my heart.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

I was traveling home from a fantastic week with a close friend at Universal Studios in Orlando. As is common when traveling to or from Orlando, the flight was full of families headed home from vacation.

​I had an aisle seat next to a five year old boy and it was a 3 a.m flight so naturally, he was asleep about 15 minutes into the flight. I am pretty sure it was a much older sister, maybe in her early 20's who was his seat-mate. She wasn't exactly unkind to him but let's just say her mothering instinct hasn't kicked in yet..

​At the end of the flight as we were all preparing to get off the plane, she shakes the boy awake (rather roughly in my opinion) and demands he hurry up and get moving. He groggily looks up at her (it is now 4:30a.m) and doesn't move. She suddenly groans loudly and hollers back at her mother (presumably HIS mother too) that he has "done what he always does-every night-AGAIN". He hung his head and shivered in the cold air conditioning and my heart broke for him.

​This little guy certainly didn't WANT to wet his pants on a crowded flight. But somehow, she made it sound like it was his fault and had no issues with embarrassing him in front of a plane full of strangers.

​I remember when we used to go camping with our son, Dakota, he would inevitably wet the bed. He was nervous being in a new place but he also just had a really hard time with wetting and soiling his pants until he was quite old. I am going to tell you how we finally solved this problem with him and some new ways I have discovered since then to halt this issue homeopathically.

​​I wish I had known then what I know now! It would have saved Dakota a lot of pain and us a lot of sleep! In any case, get ready, because I am going to let you in on some fabulous solutions.

The Simple, But Not Easy, Solution

Back when my kids were little I was what they now call "crunchy". I had chickens. I ground my own grain. I baked homemade bread every week. I made yogurt in my crockpot and I even had milking goats that I actually milked. And then we drank that milk.

I did most of this because I was determined to help my kids heal from adoption trauma and early abuse. There were so many letters behind their names when we got them and I wanted their brains to have the best chance at recovery. But there were practical reasons for this level of work as well--one of them being Dakota's issues with bed wetting and soiling his pants. Pretty much daily.

When he was eleven it was still happening and he wanted to start playing sports. We all knew being on a team with other kids would expose him to ridicule because he would stink at times when he would poop his pants. I was pretty intently looking at options, including a surgery that would cut his distended bowel and sew it together again. I REALLY didn't want to put him through that but no one was giving us any other answers. So I did what I always did and started researching.

I found a bunch of research on white sugar and its effects on muscle tone. Turns out, it removes the elasticity in your muscles when you eat it regularly, and though we weren't big on white sugar, we did eat it regularly enough for me to realize its elimination could help our son. I sat everyone down, explained the situation, and we all agreed as a family to get rid of sugar. And then we waited.

We didn't have to wait long before we realized we had hit the jackpot. After years of supplements, food experiments and doctor visits, he stopped soiling his pants-pretty much overnight. He joined little league a couple months later and had one of the best summers of his childhood.


The Easier, Alternative Solution

That discovery about sugar literally changed our lives forever and I will always be grateful that I took the time to dive deep. However, using Practical Homeopathy can often provide relief much more quickly, even for chronic issues, when you know your medicines.

​Let's take a look at some options that might help in a situation like this, keeping in mind I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice!

​1. Aloe 30C -not the kind you put on your sunburn, but homeopathic aloe. This remedy can often uproot issues in the bowel and should be a consideration if you have a child who is chronically soiling his pants. I would use it twice daily.

​2. Cantharis 30C-This is wonderful for urinary incontinence of any kind and at any age. Taken twice daily, you may find after a couple of months that the issue has resolved.

​Finally, if these two remedies don't do the trick for the issues you are having in your family, my recommendation is to use the services of a professional homeopath. Homeopathy is much more individual than other approaches and a homeopath will know how to dive into your case to give you recommendations that are a better fit.

​If you do need a consultation, I am including the links to my calendar in this blog post so you can get the help you need if this issue is disrupting your family. Discovery chats are applied to full consultations should you choose to continue with my services. And remember, YOU know best for your child. You got this, mama!

Homeopathy Discovery Chat
Individual Consultation
Family Consultation (Homeopathy Only)
​​Family Consultation (Parenting w/ Homeopathy)

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Sandra is not a physician and the relationship between Sandra and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Sandra presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Sandra believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.