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Friday, November 29, 2024

My Brother's Big Problem

He had been on a med his doctor told him was the only one that would work. Problem was, after twenty years, it wasn't working so great and he couldn't take more.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Me and my brother, Michael, are kind of like twins separated by six years. We both are extreme fun seekers and love to laugh. When we are together, my husband says we can be a little bit much. Show tunes are sung and cheesy jokes abound whenever we hang out. Next to my husband, my brother is my best friend.

So, naturally, when I started learning about homeopathy, I wanted to solve any health issues Michael had. There was one problem he had though that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to tackle. Especially at the time with my limited knowledge.

Years ago, when he was in his early 20s, my brother had a very traumatic experience that I won’t go into here. I believe it triggered the issue he had dealt with ever since called disassociation.

Disassociation is something my daughter struggled with when we first got her out of foster care. Whenever children have been in traumatic situations there is a possibility that they will have disassociative spells. It’s kind of like going out of your body for a minute.

It can involve vertigo, but it’s different than what you typically would think of when you think of vertigo. My brother once described it as the feeling like you are hovering, just outside of your body. It’s a very unpleasant feeling and it can be dangerous if you are driving a car.

Michael had been on a medication for this issue for almost 20 years. The medication he was on also helped with anxiety, which was a part of his overall picture. The doctor had recently told him that she could no longer give him more of the medication that he was taking because the big side effect for this med was heart issues and heart attacks.

It would be dangerous to give him more, but that was the only medication she knew of that could treat disassociation. Michael had been to other doctors in the past who had given him similar information and he was feeling pretty hopeless. He told me he was worried that he would have to go on disability if he didn’t find a solution for this problem.

When I started taking classes to learn about Homeopathy, I really didn’t think I could help my brother. I didn’t realize the scope of homeopathy at the time, but because I was confident I could help him with his anxiety, we started there.

A few weeks after we started him on the protocol for anxiety, he called me. He told me that his medicine for disassociation had not been working very well lately. As a result, he had been having about one episode a week where he would disassociate, and he had been thinking about going to the doctor to talk with her about it. He had noticed, however, that taking the homeopathic medicine for anxiety seemed to be helping his disassociation as well.

My response was that I honestly didn’t know if that medicine would help disassociation or not (this was early on in my education) but that many homeopathic medicines helped multiple issues and had the unexpected outcome of solving more than one health issue at a time. My advice was to keep taking it and see what happened.

Long story short, we figured out that Ignatia amara positively impacted my brother’s disassociative spells. Once he was no longer anxious though, we figured out that the disassociative spells were helped more with the lower potency of Ignatia amara. The protocol for anxiety  was using Ignatia amara 200C twice daily, but we figured out that if he took 30C twice daily, his spells became fewer and fewer.

He was able to completely stop taking the allopathic medicine for anxiety and disassociation after a 20 year dependence on it! I am happy to report that his disassociation issue and his anxiety both appear to be completely uprooted. Homeopathy for the win!

If you would like to learn more about how you can help your family with Homeopathy, I would invite you to join the Homeopathy Help Hotline Membership. This is a membership focused on educating you about homeopathy at your own pace through recorded videos, articles, a community, and live regular zooms with me and my two homeopath friends. The link to check it out is,

Once you start learning about this beautiful and gentle medicine, you will never look back! Alternatively, if you or your family member is struggling with something you need more immediate help with, I do consultations. Both options can be found in the links on the home page of this website.

​Have an amazing day and be well

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Sandra is not a physician and the relationship between Sandra and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Sandra presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Sandra believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.